Estate Planning: A New Revenue Stream

Sean Meighan, Head of Advisory Services
January 26, 2022
Financial planning has rapidly become the hub of our business connecting to everything. It’s the diagnostic process that leads successful financial professionals down the path towards implementation using managed accounts, various investment products and ancillary solutions to drive more predictable and successful client outcomes.
Financial planning puts the financial professional in the center of the conversation, controlling the process and fostering a level of trust that can only be achieved through deep and meaningful conversations. However, there’s one area in planning that so many in our industry have historically, and reluctantly, outsourced — estate planning.
Every one of your clients, members and prospects needs an estate plan, yet so many financial professionals depend on an outside party to provide those services. An outside party to whom you’ve likely referred countless clients or members, yet who never returns the favor.
That outside party gets to take your clients or members through an incredibly revealing fact-finding process without you in the room. You fight so hard to control the entire relationship, only to bring in a third party for arguably the most emotional part of the conversation. Consider these two very important questions:
- Why aren’t you the one uncovering a client’s or member’s charitable intentions, or discussing the age at which their children should inherit certain assets?
- Why aren’t you the one helping them solidify the legacy they want to leave?
Control the conversation
The estate planning process, whether for a will or trust-based plan, uncovers invaluable insights into a client’s dreams, goals and ambitions. You should be the centerpiece of that conversation. Take control of the relationships you work so hard to grow, uncover new opportunities and elevate your service offering.
Let us introduce you to our new solution that puts you in control of the estate planning process, creates a new revenue stream for your business and solidifies your client and member relationships for generations to come.