Your Best Year Yet

Brian Nelson, Head of Practice Management
January 3, 2022
Welcome to 2022, your year of unlimited possibilities for growth, personally and professionally.
Think for a moment about that statement. As a matter of fact, do me a favor, go back and read it again — what a powerful grouping of words. I am not saying that because I wrote them, but because they represent optimism and opportunity for a new start. Yes, each day, we have an opportunity for a new beginning, but the chance to begin fresh for a combined 365 days, is powerful!
Setting the tone and charge for your best year yet would be meaningless if we didn’t review just how good 2021 was from a growth standpoint. In the many conversations that my team and I have had over the last couple of months, one thing stands out — 2021 was a year of tremendous growth for most financial professionals and their practices or wealth management programs. Many grew at a pace you had not experienced in the past.
The real question becomes, how do we continue to build on a record year to make 2022 your best year yet? It’s one thing to have a vision of greater success, but it doesn’t just happen by imagining it. So, what does the foundation for success look like? What is the formula or secret sauce? As you know, there is no one answer. There are, however, a lot of critical pieces that, together, create a standout year — the most important blend of both our personal and professional lives. Again, there is a lot to consider, but those that truly have their best year yet consistently follow a three-step framework.
1. Define your why
Understanding your why and its importance in who you are is critical. It is the foundation of who you are and what you do. Before defining your why, you need to answer important questions. From there, you can begin to pull together the pieces of your why statement.
- When are you at your best?
- What are you passionate about?
- When do you feel most energized?
- Why does it matter?
Here are a couple of examples of how other financial professionals have defined their why:
- To leave a positive impact on people’s lives so that they can realize their true potential.
- To consistently grow, develop and challenge myself so that I can be better than the person I was the day before.
“The compelling higher purpose that inspires us and acts as the source of all we do.”
— Simon Sinek
2. Set your mindset
Part one of achieving growth is embracing the growth mindset. Often, being in a similar business or situation for a while causes us to develop a fixed mindset (unchangeable). Individuals with a growth mindset are typically more comfortable striving for stretch goals, have lower stress and will take risks to achieve the growth they want. Here are a few tips to get started with a growth mindset:
- Practice gratitude, take ownership of your attitude and choose to be successful
- Celebrate your growth as it happens and with your team
- See opportunities instead of obstacles
- Embrace the opportunity to learn and try new things
- Take time to plan and reflect (spend time working on your business)
- Add a new growth goal for each one you accomplish
3. Set your plan
Benjamin Franklin’s quote is another that rings true for wanting to accomplish anything — have a plan. There is no better time to develop a plan than the present. If you haven’t yet, block out the time you need to reflect and pull together a strategy. Choose ideas from webinars and conferences that you feel most strongly about implementing. Start simple. It can be as easy as finding three ideas or takeaways that resonate with you. Plug them in as part of your overall business plan for 2022.
We have been coaching financial professionals for over 20 years and are still baffled by the statistic that 50% of financial professionals do not have a written business plan. No one said it was easy. But those who want to grow are willing to do things others are not. Ultimately, the best template is the one that works best for you and your goals, but it should include, at a minimum, the following key areas of focus:
- A review of the previous year’s state of your practice or program
- A clear way to document your goals and objectives
- Action steps for how you plan to accomplish your goals
- A review and refresh, if necessary, of your value proposition
- A marketing and referral plan and client or member acquisition strategy
- A customized client or member communication strategy
- An opportunity to examine internal processes
- A format for measuring and tracking successful results throughout the year
- Accountability, accountability, accountability – hold yourself accountable or have a partner do so
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.”
— Benjamin Franklin
Will 2022 be your best year yet?
Is 2022 going to be your most successful year yet? Do you have what it takes to plan for that success? If you answered yes to these questions, congratulations! The support, partnership and resources available to you across the Atria enterprise have never been greater and we would love to partner with you and help you achieve your best year yet.